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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Breaking in the books with a training hike

Hi everyone, I got out for my first training hike today to break in the new boots. Just a short 10km hike from the Spit Bridge to Manly.

I must admit that I'm pretty impressed with them, they are already feeling so comfortable and I didn't even really get a hint of them being a problem :)

That meant that I really got to enjoy the hike and the beautiful day that it was. Thanks so much to Dawn, Tam and Colin for being my trekking buddies and for the wonderful post trek feed at Ribs and Rumps Manly :)

If you wanna see the route - I tracked most of it on strava. Use this link and you can see my saved activity details.

I have a few more treks planned over the next couple of weeks that will be tougher and I'll make sure I incorporate a bit more gear so I'm used to carrying everything. I did take the GoPro out today to try it out so can't wait to see what video and photos I got from it (keep and eye out)

For now though here's some pictures of the day from my phone.. and, if you've never done the hike before I thoroughly reccomend it. It's not too far and there's some nice stairs and hilly terrain.. what's more there's plenty of really beautiful views along the way to stop and appreciate.

Colin, Tam, Dawn and I pre hike.

Beautiful views along the way

Yep, beautiful

We made it

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